Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

Clip- Ins add on

$ 15

Each add on is additional $15

Closure Sew In

$ 250

Closure sewin INCLUDES!!! Shampoo and conditioner, deep moisture conditioner, leave in conditioner, blow dry, braid down, with net and flat iron. Curls is additional $25, Layers is additional $35.


$ 650


$ 100

Micro links Maintenance

$ 200

Partial Sewin

$ 190

Includes shampoo and conditioner, deep condition, blow dry, braid down w/net for protection. Curls is additional $25

Sewin Maintenance

$ 120

Includes shampoo and conditioner, track tightening, blow dry and style.

Tape-in (Maintenance)

$ 150

Includes shampoo and conditioner, blow dry, press and flat iron. Curls is additional $25

Tape-Ins Extension

$ 390

Includes shampoo and conditioner, deep conditioning, blow dry, press and flat iron, style. Curls or Layers not included.

Tape- Ins take down

$ 100

Includes take down tape ins, shampoo and conditioner, protein treatment and blow dry.